Uni assignments have once again shown their ugly faces this week. After a festive fortnight of eating multiple wheels of cheese and various bottles good and bad wine, I have turned into a library dweller.
Todays hand in was my project proposal for my BIG assignment at the end of final year. I'm having a look at press fractions and how juices released at different stages during pressing grapes have different properties, good stuff for sparkling enthusiasts, which is good stuff for the UK trade. I'm told if my project works well there may be a job in it for me at a certain, fairly prestigious winery in the UK....fingers crossed!
Elsewhere in the world of wine, Dr Bryan Coombe sadly passed away this week. Coombe almost single handedly dragged me through my first year with his, frankly, epic "Viticulture" publication. This book along with a few others are must-haves for anyone looking to study wine. Coombe started his wine journey in USA before setting up camp in Australia, its fair to say that his work over the last 50 years paved the way for wine making practices throughout the globe, a true titan of viticulture.
Now for my next lab report...
Viticulture and Oenology Student - The Mickey Mouse Degree! In 2011 I started learning about wine, after a brief stint selling Claret for investments, I moved into wine education. From then I've gained 3 sets of WSET qualifications, a BSc in viticulture and oenology, am studying towards a separate diploma and am an associate IWC judge. Read on for more info on the wine world... and my Mickey Mouse degree. https://twitter.com/mattbrownwine. mattbrownwine@hotmail.co.uk